First Blog & Five Tips for New Bloggers


One of the first tasks I need to do in the Net11 subject is to start a blog. This will be used to record my Learning Log.

So here goes! I had a look at wordpress, and then found which seems easier to use (for a novice like me anyway). Before now, I had heard of blogs, but have never viewed or created any. The popular saying that you "learn something new everyday" - is so true!

The other task I have to do is to provide 5 top tips for new bloggers. This is going to be interesting, seeing as I am a very new blogger myself.....

1. Do some research and find a site that you feel comfortable using
2. Think of a name for your blog.
3. Remember that whatever you enter into your blog will be in the public domain.
4. Check your spelling and grammar before publishing your post.
5. If you are going to use images that are not your own, be sure to give credit back to the source.

Ok, I'll admit it, I cheated a bit here - my teenage daughter (who is more blog savvy than myself) helped me out with the last two tips!

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4 Response to "First Blog & Five Tips for New Bloggers"

  1. Aleisha says:
    March 1, 2009 at 10:05 PM

    Hey Sheila, I am in your class too..... I really like your tips.. and it isn't cheating to get ideas from your daughter... it is just doing thorough 'research'

  2. Peter Fletcher says:
    March 2, 2009 at 6:09 PM

    Between you and your daughter you make a guru. Well done. I'd add one tip and that's to comment on lots of related blogs. There's lots of reasons to do so. I let you decide what they are ;-). All the best for the future studies.

  3. Fi says:
    March 3, 2009 at 1:13 PM

    HI Sheila. I'm a NET11 student too...and having lots of fun playing around with my blog! Should really knuckle down and start module 1 I guess!

  4. Ali says:
    March 5, 2009 at 6:30 PM

    Hi Sheila, it looks like we are in the same boat...I know nothing about blogging either! It's good to know there are others who are just as new to it as I am! I look forward to reading your blog throughout the study period! Goodluck! :)

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