NET11: The End Of The Road! Reflection

Well, I've come to the end of the road now with NET11. My Concepts Assignment was uploaded last week, I've finished studying all of the modules and have completed the tasks. All that remains now is to upload the URL of this blog to my tutors...

I have learnt so much in the past 12 weeks, and I can't believe how quickly the time has flown. Before starting NET11 I thought I knew a lot about the Internet, but each week, as I worked my way through the modules, I realised just how much I didn't know! And just how much I took the Internet at 'face value'....

It's certainly been an interesting journey, and one that I am looking forward to continuing in my next two subjects - NED11 and NET12. And now that I've discovered the 'blogosphere' I might even keep on blogging....
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3 Response to "NET11: The End Of The Road! Reflection"

  1. BettyBlogBuster says:
    May 27, 2009 at 9:23 AM

    Good luck with everything Sheila and see you in NED 11:)

  2. Fi says:
    May 31, 2009 at 1:05 PM

    Hi Sheila

    Like you I thought I knew quite a bit about the iternet....but now,in spite of the HUGE amount I've learnt in this unit, I realise I've just touched on it all! There is soooo much to learn if you scratch the surface, but all really interesting stuff. I did NED11 this sp, and will do NED12 next sp. Would've done NET12 too, but struggled with doing 2 units this sp so am just sticking to one for now. Hope I'll catch up with you and the others down the track! Good luck with your studies.

  3. Barnes13 says:
    June 2, 2009 at 1:43 PM

    Hi Sheila, been loving the blog! I also thought I knew the net well before this unit, and looking forward to continuing this journey in NET12.

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