Mod 3.1 Writing Task: Narrating Personal Voice

Why I chose FarmVille as my topic

When I first began this unit and I saw that we had to pick a topic of interest to write about, I must admit I panicked! It reminded me of when I attended a group job interview last year and we had to stand up, one at a time, and say something interesting or unique about ourselves. "What's so difficult about that?" I hear you say, well, I could not, for the life of me, think of anything interesting to say about myself! And the same thing happened with deciding on the topic subject. What could I write about? I don't really have any hobbies. As a full time student and working mum of four, my life seems to be taken up with work, family or study, and apart from reading the odd novel, shopping, going to the gym or watching TV, I don't have many other interests, and certainly none worth researching and writing about! Which got me thinking...what else do I do with my spare time? Then it hit me! I play FarmVille!

This made me reflect on why I play Farmville, when I'm not really into games at all.... While I am aware that games like World of Warcraft exist, and my children have PS2 and Nintendo DS, I never play any of these games. For some reason, once I started playing FarmVille, it became so addictive! Why was this so? This then became my idea for a research topic.

So how did my personal addiction start? I had been a member of Facebook for quite some time and hadn't succumbed to any of those annoying FarmVille neighbour and gift requests that kept popping up. But one particular day a few months ago, I was sick with the flu, and I decided to give FarmVille a go. I almost wish I hadn't because now hardly a day goes by without me checking on my farm at least once or twice a day! I even plan which crops I will grow around events happening in the "real world", for example at Christmas time I planted crops that took 3 or 4 days to grow so that I wouldn't have to visit my farm every day....sad isn't it? But then I suppose it's not as bad as Jil, a player in the Philippines who keeps his laptop next to his bed, and sets his alarm to go off every few hours during the night so that he can harvest his crops!
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