Module 3 Tasks - HTML

Log entry: Once you have completed the lessons, you should have a page with all the basic elements needed in a web page - save it as 'index.html', open it in your browser and take a screenshot and post it in your blog. - SEE ABOVE!
LOG ENTRY:Record any difficulties you encountered with these exercises. Record your thoughts about html - do you feel a sense of achievement? What are the differences between html and blogging? what do you like best?

...Well, much to my great surprise I was actually able to create a web page! I certainly did feel a sense of achievement. When I first read the task I was dreading it - I knew absolutely nothing at all about HTML so how on earth was I going to create a web page??? It did take me quite a while though - here it is, almost 1.30am, and I started the lesson at 9pm. It took me a while to go through all 26 lessons, and then I decided to have a go and create my own page. I found HTML relatively easy to use, although I wish I had made a note of the various codes when I was doing the lessons - I had to keep going back to the lessons to find out how to centre, or change the font size etc when I was creating my page. It became quite addictive in the end! Once I had started I wanted to keep going until it was done.

What are the differences between HTML and Blogging - well blogging is much easier for a start! I can just type away, make a few changes to the layout or text style and sizes by just clicking with my mouse - with HTML it takes a lot longer, and can be frustrating if you forget to put in a > or a / in the right place! On the positive side though, I can see that there is far greater control with HTML - you are not limited to any particular colour, style or font size as you can be on blogging sites.

As to what I like best? Well at the moment I would have to say blogging, because it is so much easier. But I would like to think that as HTML becomes more familiar (and I have more idea of what I'm doing!) then I will prefer HTML because it will give me greater control over my designs.

What I did find through doing these lessons was that lrfanView is a fantastic site! I had managed to save my screen and then open it in paint, but could not work out how to re-size it. It was so easy to do in lrfanView and I am looking forward to using this program more.

I also have a great book "Head First HTML with CSS & XHTML" and I am looking forward to going through it when I have more time.

Anyway, as its now 1.40am I'm calling it a night!

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