A is for Asynchronisity, B is for Boolean....

and C is for Concepts.... the part of the course I am completing at the moment!

Its all very interesting actually, and I couldn't believe that I remembered what Asynchronisity was (after reading about it last night) and was able to tell a colleague all about it whilst we were sending a fax at work today.

I also had a discussion about George Boole with my daughter. She already knows about Boolean because she is a Yr 12 student doing Software Design as part of her HSC (this could come in handy....)

(Picture of George Boole from georgeboole.net)

I was surprised later on to find out that he was born in the 1830's - surely he could never have imagined the technology we have now, and the part his logic would play in it?

I got about a third of the way through the introduction, learning about netiquette, metadata, the invisibility of difference - as I said its all very interesting. How many times do we quickly type an email & send it, or do a google search automatically, without thinking about the processes and concepts behind what we are doing? Well, I for one won't be taking it all for granted anymore!
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3 Response to "A is for Asynchronisity, B is for Boolean...."

  1. Peter Fletcher says:
    March 5, 2009 at 12:06 AM

    Good to see you attributed the image source. Well done.

  2. BettyBlogBuster says:
    March 5, 2009 at 1:44 PM

    I'm not even near the Concepts yet - Well done you! I can see I'll need your advice re uploading images and formatting my blog too ;)

  3. Barnes13 says:
    March 9, 2009 at 8:50 PM

    I love your title... very creative :)

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