Module 2 Tasks - Lists vs Boards

What are the pros and cons of email lists versus discussion boards?
Personally, I prefer discussion boards to email lists. I have been member of a health discussion board for some time, and like being able to post a comment and then view the threads. Sometimes if another member is on line and answers straight away, the reply is practically instantaneous, and the discussion keeps flowing. Other times I can post a topic and then view the answer threads a few days later. With an email list the message is sent to all who have subscribed in the group, and then the replies will come in over time.

With Yahoo groups there is no private message function. Every post is viewable by the group, whereas on a discussion board or forum there is usually an option to private message another member.

I asked my husband this question and he said he preferred discussion boards because they 'are light years ahead of yahoo groups'. Specific things he mentioned were that a discussion board is usually better moderated than in the discussion lists, and there is much less spamming. If anyone does spam it is usually removed within hours by the discussion board moderator. Some groups are set up and then very rarely moderated.

Are there certain kinds of communication or purposes more suited to one than the other?
I think if you had some specific interests then a discussion list is useful. You would be able to receive updates and share information with other people with the same interests or have the same problem. For example if you were a sufferer of Crohn's disease you could join a discussion group and then receive emails from other sufferer's and hear about new medications/treatments etc.

With the Net11 subject, I think I would prefer to use the Discussion Boards in Blackboard rather than the Yahoo group. The discussion board is well set out with each Module, and then threads within that. In the Yahoo group it takes a while to look through all of the messages to find what you are looking for.

I found this topic slightly difficult as I hadn't really heard of discussion lists before now...I find it difficult discussing pro's and cons when I am not very familiar with what I am discussing! Maybe I am biased to using discussion boards because I've been using them for a few years now.
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