Fun with Filezilla!

Well, I finally got to finish the task. It looked quite straightforward, download a program called Filezilla, then ftp to, look at the directory structure, find the README file, download it and answer the question '_________ MATTERS'.

I had a spare half an hour before I had to pick up my daughter from school so I thought I'd give it ago, it certainly looked easy enough....

Well, I downloaded Filezilla, but I could not find anywhere in the screen or in help as to how I could 'ftp curtin'. So I went to the discussion boards. Another student had the answer - they had downloaded Filezilla Server instead of Filezilla Client - I realised I had done the same thing. So I downloaded the other Filezilla, the correct one!

I managed to download this after a couple of attempts. My computer was attempting to block the download, but I got around that. I typed the curtin address in the 'host' box, clicked on 'quick connect' and I was in! I came to the part where I had to 'locate the README file', and found that after a few minutes, tucked away in the MSC folder. So far so good. Then came the 'download file' part - I just could not figure a way of downloading the file. I tried 'export', but when I opened the file, all I saw was a few lines of gobbledy gook, certainly no sentences there with the word "matters" in it - I'd obviously done something wrong (again). At this point I gave up in frustration and went to pick my daughter up from school.

Later on, I went back to the discussion board and found a post by Robert, bless him. He had suggested that the simplest method is to 'drag and drop' the file, saving it to a planned location. Finally, I had the answer! I opened up my 'NET11' folder, and dragged and dropped the file, then opened it up in Wordpad and hey presto! I could finally answer the question - CAPITLIZATION MATTERS!

Tonight I am going to do as suggested and read the "Quick Introduction to FTP" - its probably what I should have done in the first place!
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1 Response to "Fun with Filezilla!"

  1. Ali says:
    March 18, 2009 at 1:13 PM

    Well done. I'm glad you got there in the end, Sheila! I had a few problems with this one aswell!

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