My Telnet Experience

"Your mision, should you chose to accept it, is to telnet to the Deakin library database computer and find books with the author name Bennahum".

Well, perhaps the task wasn't quite worded this way, but that's basically what I had to do for the first Module 1 task.

The log entry requirements are to "record your outcome and reflections of your experiences and thoughts on this task in your learning log". So first of all here's the outcome:

module 1 task You searched for the AUTHOR: bennahum 2 AUTHORS found, with 2 entries; AUTHORS 1-2 are: 1 Bennahum David A 1936 ................................. 1 entry 2 Bennahum Ninotchka .................................... 1 entry

Now for my reflections. Firstly, I found it a little bit of a challenge accessing telnet. I googled it as suggested, and a page of entries came up, including the wikipedia definition. I found a site (demon) that gave instructions for accessing Windows telnet. Basically I just clicked on Start - Run - typed the word telnet, and then a little black box came up. That box brought back memories! Reminded me of when I used to use computers in the early 80's, when computer screens only displayed in black and white, or dark and light green and everything was done by DOS commands! (Now I'm showing my age!)
Then I typed in the deakin address - Telnet came back with this response:
Invalid Command. type ?/help for help
As there was no menu along the top of the screen, or nowhere to "click" for help, I did as suggested and typed ?/help.
Telnet then gave me a list of commands. So I tried typing o (for open host) before the deakin address. That little o made all the difference! I was then able to complete the task quite easily.
Tomorrow I am going to do Task B. Actually its 1.11am now, so its already tomorrow! Well then later today I will do Task B which is going to involve something called blinkinlights apparently!

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1 Response to "My Telnet Experience"

  1. Fi says:
    March 12, 2009 at 12:13 AM

    Good to know I'm not the only one with the first hand DOS experience....thank goodness for windows I say! I'm also not the only one up until around 1am reading posts and completing assessment tasks. Your blog is looking great Sheila...look forward to more posts!Fi (fellow night owl).

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